Picarro G2103(ES&T ? 水溶性有機物的氣相—氣溶膠相分配:NH? 對 SOA 形成的促進作用)
Picarro G2307(美國東北部夏季污染事件期間臭氧形成化學的變化)
甲醛 H?CO
Picarro G2307(甲醛分析儀助力重慶市大氣環境綜合觀測)
Picarro G2307(野火事件與大氣甲醛濃度變化)
Picarro G2910(環氧乙烷(EtO)?室內空氣質量實時監測應對EtO的暴露風險)
氫氟酸 HF
過氧化氫 H?O?
英文文獻(Picarro PI2114)Formation of Gas-Phase Hydrogen Peroxide via Multiphase Ozonolysis of Unsaturated Lipids
英文文獻(Picarro PI2114)Near-source hypochlorous acid emissions from indoor bleach cleaning
英文文獻(Picarro G2114)Overview of the instrumentation base for monitoring greenhouse gases
英文文獻(Picarro G2114)Impact of H2O2 sorption by polymers on the duration of aeration in pharmaceutical decontamination
英文文獻(Picarro G2114)Design-oriented regression models for H2O2 decontamination processes in sterile drug product manufacturing considering rapidity and sterility
英文文獻(Picarro G2114)The diffusion of hydrogen peroxide into the liquid product during filling operations inside vaporous hydrogen peroxide–sterilized isolators can be predicted by a?…
硫化氫 H?S
英文文獻(Picarro G2204)Off-site flux estimates of volatile organic compounds from oil and gas production facilities using fast-response instrumentation
英文文獻(Picarro G2204)Variation in methane emission rates from well pads in four oil and gas basins with contrasting production volumes and compositions
英文文獻(Picarro G2204)Mobile sensing of point-source gas emissions using Bayesian inference: An empirical examination of the likelihood function
英文文獻(Picarro G2204)Fugitive and vented methane emissions surveying on the Weyburn CO2-EOR field in southeastern Saskatchewan, Canada
英文文獻(Picarro G2204)Mobile measurement of methane and hydrogen sulfide at natural gas production site fence lines in the Texas Barnett Shale
氯化氫 HCl
英文文獻(Picarro G2108)Acidity of Size-Resolved Sea-Salt Aerosol in a Coastal Urban Area: Comparison of Existing and New Approaches
英文文獻(Picarro G2108)A portable, robust, stable, and tunable calibration source for gas-phase nitrous acid (HONO)
英文文獻(Picarro G2108)?Validation of a new cavity ring-down spectrometer for measuring tropospheric gaseous hydrogen chloride
英文文獻(Picarro G2108)Understanding sources of atmospheric hydrogen chloride in coastal spring and continental winter
英文文獻(Picarro G2108)High-resolution Measurements of Gas-Phase Hydrogen Chloride (HCl) in the Atmosphere by Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy